12 Step Rehab Programs in Roanoke City County, VA
One of the ways in which addiction treatment programs in Roanoke City county can help their clients undergoing rehabilitation is through introducing them to the right 12-step groups. These groups can be effective in helping individuals reduce their risk of relapse.
What are 12-Step Groups
Most 12-step groups were modeled after AA - Alcoholics Anonymous. In these groups, there will be people with similar situations to yours that are going through recovery so that you can continue giving strength and hope to each other and prevent a relapse.
Most of these groups incorporate various spiritual themes to help individuals heal and overcome their substance use disorder. As a member, you will follow the steps outlined in the meeting to achieve full recovery.
12-step groups also encourage the principles of brotherhood, humility, perseverance, hope, honesty, and willingness. Through these principles, members are better suited to continue on the road to recovery while resisting any urges or temptations that could cause them to relapse.
12 Step Traditions
Most 12-step groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and others adopt 12 basic traditions that provide rules for the practices and governance of these groups. These traditions include:
- The only requirement for membership is that you want to stop abusing drugs and/or alcohol
- All groups act on their own for the most part unless there is some type of organizational change from the top
- Every group is self-supporting and declines external contributions and donations
- The idea that there is a higher power of some kind helping the group succeed
- The goal of all 12 step groups is to provide a safe environment that helps those who struggle with addiction
We can help you find the right treatment facility that best fits your overall needs and financial requirements.
Call 1-877-814-341812 Step Rehab Centers in Roanoke City County
Bethany Hall Inc Recovery Home for Chemically Dependent Women
1109 Franklin Road SWRoanoke, VA 24016
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