Holy Cross Youth and Family Services DBA Kairos Healthcare
8212 North Jennings RoadMount Morris, MI 48458
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We only found 1 drug and alcohol rehab facility in Mount Morris, MI. If you are looking for more treatment options, there are additional addiction treatment facilities in the nearby cities of Flint, Millington, and Lapeer.
The most common treatment options that people are trying to find are Residential Inpatient, Free and Low Cost Drug Rehabs, Detox Facilities, and Outpatient Treatment. Dashshaw Certified Counselors are familiar with treatment programs nationwide. You can call and speak to one of our counselors for assistance in finding substance abuse treatment as well as figuring out what type of treatment would be best for you.
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Residential Inpatient Treatment provides long-term care and recovery in a safe setting. You will stay at a Residential drug rehab for the entirety of your treatment which generally lasts around 90 days. While inpatient treatment is a longer commitment and typically more expensive form of of treatment, it is by far the best type of rehab to attend and will offer you the highest chances of getting clean and staying sober. An inpatient drug rehab has an average cost of around $40,000. Cost can vary depending on length of stay, quality of care, and location.
Outpatient treatment is unique because it allows you to attend therapy groups or treatment counseling during the day and then return home once completed. This can be beneficial if you have certain aspects of your life you must attend to while seeking help for alcoholism or drug addiction. While the freedom of outpatient treatment is appealing to many individuals, it also can be difficult to dedicate the focus that is required to overcome addiction. A good support group of friends or family around you that will keep you in line when not in therapy can greatly increase the success of this type of treatment. Outpatient treatment can cost around $3,000.00 on average.
First off, detox is not rehab. Many people think detox is the same as treatment, but this not true. Going to a detox is the initial step most people do before going into rehab. When coming off drugs or alcohol, most people experience withdrawal symptoms that are extremely uncomfortable or dangerous. Going to detox helps you get through these withdrawals safely, while minimizing the effects that generally occur. Detox can last anywhere from 5 days to 3 weeks depending on what substances you were using. The cost will vary depending on how long you are in detox and whether it was a medical detox or drug-free.
Financial Concerns are one of the main reasons people do not enter an alcohol and drug rehab. Many people think there is no way they can afford effective treatment because they are unable to pay for it. However, there are rehabs that will accept medicaid or offer payment assistance to help you with treatment costs. You may also look for treatment facilities that offer a sliding scale fee that adjust the cost of rehab based on your income. While these options may not be the number one choice for many, they are still more helpful than doing nothing. Getting help is always the best choice.
Counseling or therapy is usually part of any treatment program you attend. However, many places offer counseling or therapy outside of treatment as a way to help you with any problems that can occur in everyday life that could cause you to relapse. They are offered in multiple formats such as group or individual therapy as well as family counseling. Counseling and therapy are an excellent form of aftercare planning as well.
12-Step meetings are support groups and can be helpful for many people as a supplement to treatment. 12-step follows the specific guidelines that were outlined and originated from Alcoholics Anonymous. For some people, this is the only type of treatment they receive and for a few, it is successful. 12-Step works much better as a continued aftercare plan once you have completed treatment.
Most people don't even consider what to do once they complete an alcohol and drug rehab program. Setting up proper aftercare planning and learning relapse prevention techniques is important to maintaining a healthy and drug-free lifestyle. Many treatment centers will offer some type of aftercare plan for when you leave, but there are places that specialize in aftercare and relapse prevention if you need additional assistance. Aftercare can also include transitional or halfway housing if you need a place to live after you finish drug and alcohol treatment.
Mount Morris, Michigan resides in Genesee County
Choosing to go to rehabilitation to deal with your addiction is difficult. This is particularly the case if you think that you might be fired as you seek help for your substance use disorder.
Luckily, there are laws in place that will ensure that you won't lose your job when you decide to check into rehab in Mount Morris. You might also find that it is in your best interests to commit to rehab - and it could help you improve your career.
After you conquer your substance use disorder, you will have higher chances of not only keeping your job but also utilizing the skills you learned in rehab to be better at it. You can also enroll for outpatient treatment - which will allow you to get help with your addiction in the mornings or evenings and keep on working when you are not in the rehab center.
As a military veteran, you most likely have life experiences that are completely different from those that the rest of the American population has had to live with. This means that there is a possibility that you could end up facing several unique physical, mental, and emotional health issues - including but not limited to substance abuse and addiction.
In case you are a veteran and have been struggling with addiction, you need to keep in mind that there are some treatment options that can help you overcome this condition. One of these options is the VA that can provide you with:
You can also choose to seek help with your substance abuse disorder outside of or in addition to the VA. You can find several accredited drug and alcohol treatment facilities that deal with the needs of veterans.
Most facilities will measure their rates of success on metrics such as the successful completion of the rehab program, the sobriety rates following treatment, internal studies, and client interviews.
Many studies have shown that inpatient rehabilitation might have higher success rates than outpatient treatment. This is because of the fact that these Mount Morris inpatient programs have a tendency to be more all-inclusive than their outpatient counterparts.
Many factors go into determining the efficacy of any given program. However, the general consensus is that inpatient treatment can give you the best chances of success in addiction recovery.